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Kildalkey Village - How to Find Us

We are 53km approx. northwest of Dublin.
- At Dublin Airport Roundabout take the 2nd exit onto the M1 (signposted Dublin, Belfast, M1). At the roundabout take the 2nd exit, then join the M1 motorway (signposted Dublin).
- Leave the M1 at junction 1 (Junction with M50) then take left-hand lanes, then join the M50 motorway (signposted Other Routes, Southbound).
- Leave the M50 at junction 6 taking the left-hand lane, then merge onto the N3 (signposted Cavan).
- Continue forward onto the M3 motorway (signposted Cavan).
- Leave the M3 at junction 5, signposted (Trim, Dunboyne, Ratoath).
- Then at the roundabout take the 2nd exit for Trim.(this will take you over the M3 which you have just exited.)
- At the next roundabout take the first exit for Trim. (Fairyhouse).
- Continue on to next roundabout and take the first exit for Trim (R154).(This will take you back over the M3)
- Continue forward onto the R154 passing through Batterstown and continuing on into Trim.
- Upon reaching roundabout take the 2nd exit (straight through)
- At the next roundabout take the 3rd exit signposted Athboy.
- Continue straight through traffic lighted junction.
- Take left at sigbpost Kildalkey & Trim Town centre.
- Swing left at T junction followed by immediate right turn for Kildalkey.
- Continue on into Kildalkey keeping right of hump backed bridge.
Below are google maps which shows exactly where we are with a satellite view of the centre of the village. The GAA pitch is clearly visable on the right with the Church, School, Fr. Parochial House and Village Hall also distinguishable.
Since the satelite photo was included on this page it has been auto-updated by Google and with a ruddy great big cloud in the way.