Kildalkey Tidy Towns
Mission Statement
The enhancement of the physical and social environment of Kildalkey village and surrounding areas, with general improvement, enrichment and development of the environment and the development of community spirit and pride.
Tidy Towns Gaining Traction
Yesterday saw the winners of the Tidy Towns competition announced in the Helix in Dublin. While Kildalkey did not win any of the categories, we did improve our score again this year which is fantastic news. Every year that we have entered, has seen our score increase and this year we are up nine points to 213. Kildalkey received very positive feedback from the judges and we would like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone in Kildalkey. While the competition is judged between the three 'Welcome to Kildalkey' signs, it is for everyone in Kildalkey, both village and environs, to be proud of our achievement. It was great to see the judges comments on our business community, our housing estates, the graveyard committee & individual house owners. It is a great achievement and we hope that all of you are as proud of our village as we are. We will regroup in February and push the boat out next year as we really have some stiff competition in our grouping such as Slane, Julianstown and Rathcairn but we can do it.
Above extract from Kildalkey Tidy Towns Facebook page.
Maximum Mark - 400
Mark Awarded 2012 - 0
Mark Awarded 2013 - 197
Mark Awarded 2014 - 204
Mark Awarded 2015 - 213
Judges full report here...
Kildalkey Tidy Towns 2014
Regular clean ups, including litter picking, sweeping etc are scheduled to take place over the coming months starting Saturday 26th April and then on the first Tuesday and third Saturday of each month from May to September.
Meet at the church gates at the following times:-
Saturday 26th April morning 10.00 – 11.00
And then on
First Tuesday evenings from 7.30 to 8.30 pm and
Third Saturday mornings from 10.00 to 11.00 am
Everyone is welcome to help maintain and improve on last years achievements.
Thank you for your continued support.
2013 Results anounced
This is what the judges thought of our village. The higher marks are the marks you can get and the number beside it is what the village scored. Unfortunately they visited on the 2nd June when none of our baskets were up. Some great comments about The Meadows and Kildalkey Woods.
Thank you everyone for your support and for our very high mark that we achieved.
Tidy Towns Competition 2013
Adjudication Report
Centre: Kildalkey Ref: 1092
County: Meath Mark: 197
Category: B Date(s): 02/06/2013
Maximum Mark - 400
Mark Awarded 2012 - 0
Mark Awarded 2013 - 197
Judges full report here...
7th September 2013
To coincide with the announcement of the Tidy Town results this Monday afternoon & hopefully good news for Kildalkey, we are holding a monster raffle next Saturday 14th September 2013. If you own a business or work for a company that would like to donate a prize for our raffle, please get in touch with us here on the page or by private message. In return we will give your company massive free exposure here on the page & on the night. We have had a great response and prizes from the business community already in the village!
Tickets can be bought from the Snug House and on the Saturday night also. Tickets are €2 per strip or 3 for €5
Thank you.
13th July 2013
We need to gather some funding for our hanging baskets which are all up at this stage, some 60 odd on the three roads. We wish to hold a raffle and if you would like to donate a raffle prize please let us know here or private message us. It maybe an old present that you have lying around the house that you have never used or it maybe an item from your business that you would like to donate. All items would be very much appreciated and if we can get some prizes over the next two weeks or so, we are hoping to have the raffle sometime in the first week of September to coincide with the Tidy Towns results. We understand that we are in a small village and nearly every week we are being asked to dig deep into our pockets but we are sure you agree that the village is looking rather colourful.
1st July 2013
If you would like to make a donation to Kildalkey Tidy Towns group you may do so by seeing any of the committee members. Your gift will be put to good use and will be very much appreciated however big or small and will be receipted. A big Thank You to all our donors who have supported so far.
24th June 2013 - Competition Time
The following villages are in Category B, Meath in the Tidy Towns competition this year, so let's hope we get a very high mark and teach the others that Kildalkey is the place to be!
- Castletown-Kilpatrick
- Julianstown
- Kildalkey
- Kilmessan
- Kilskyre
- Slane
9th June 2013 - Collection
A big THANK YOU to all the parishioners for their very kind generosity at our Church Gate collection at Mass in St. Dympna's on Saturday evening and Sunday morning. The funds raised will go towards the purchase of more hanging baskets. Also many thanks to Father Oliver Devine and Sean Potterton who kindly gave permission to us. The permit for the collection was granted to the group by the Chief Superintendent of the Meath district.
Our collection total for Saturday was €128.36 and was counted in the Snug House bar and the total for Sunday was €148.88 and was counted at the Church gate before Mass ended. This gave us a grand total of €277.24
Thank you to John Logue, Maggie Masterson & Noel French who helped with the collection.
5th June 2013 - Judging Starts
What great weather we are having this week! Just a little reminder that the judging for the Tidy Towns competition started yesterday for the months of June & July. We don't know when they are coming to visit Kildalkey but if you see any litter on the ground please pick it up and stick it in a bin.
30th May 2013 - Keeping up-to-date
If you would like to be on our text list to keep up to date with clean ups, special projects and other info, please message us with your mobile number please.

22nd May 2013 - New Sign
A new larger sign has been erected concerning dog fouling in the village near the shop. More will be erected over the coming weeks.
Timeline of Kildalkey Tidy Towns
Below is the timeline of the birth and progress of Kildalkey Tidy Towns. You can also catch us on our Facebook page for more information and timely updates.
15th May 2013 - Tidy Towns Seeds Planted
Many chats had taken place between two Kildalkey residents, Maggie & Keith about sprucing up our village. Maggie as a life long resident & Keith as a blow in Dub' decided that we should see if we could get a group of villagers together. They called a meeting & it was held on the 15th May 2013 in the Snug House public house to see if there was a need for a 'Tidy Towns' group to enhance the village for the good of the village. 17 residents & 2 public representatives were present. The 'idea' was discussed & 'Kildalkey Tidy Towns Group' was born.
Our first project following our inaugural meeting is to meet outside the Church gates on Friday morning 17th May at 9:30 for an hour or so to sweep the car spaces adjoining the Church & the road in time for Communion Day on Saturday. If you are free for an hour, please drop by & lend a hand.
17th May 2013 - Project 1

The Group met at the Church at 9:30 Friday morning & swept the front of the Church for the Comunion Day on Saturday. Maggie, Dave, Tricia, Suzanne, Martin, Keith, Caroline & Paul were the Work Group for this project. Thank you all of you who helped with this work, the village is really looking great
17th May 2013 - Project 2

The Group continued after Suzanne suggested we start the footpath leading to the hurling park & Bellview. We cleared the footpath and cut back the overgrown shrubbery & cut back the overgrown tree branches & briers. We also scuffed the road edge & strimmed the grass on the far side of the road. Maggie, Dave, Suzanne, Keith & Paul were the Work Group for this project. Thank you all of you who helped with this work, the village is really looking great
22nd May 2013
A BIG thank you from us to Thomas Gethin, Linda & Deirdre in the Village Store for their spring clean up yesterday of the forecourt area. The forecourt is really looking fabulous.
25th May 2013 - Project 3

The Group met at the Parochial Hall at 10.00 Saturday morning till about six o’clock that evening & what wonderful weather we had all day.This work was in preparation for Cemetery Sunday. Thomas Darby trimmed back the hedge on the way to the graveyard, Sean Potterton weeded the flower beds outside the Parochial Hall. Maggie Masterson, Tricia Martin, Sinéad Goggins Robinson, Susanne Ledwith Reilly, Martin Blake, Noel Kelly, Keith Ellis, Noel French & Teresa Stratfull were the Work Group for this project as well. We cleaned the road from the Graveyard to the Village Inn and all points in between. We would like to thank Sean & Jackie in the Snug House for refreshments and crisps for the troops and our small helpers who joined us, also to Rossi in the takeaway for chips & drinks and John in the Village Inn for looking after the little troops with crisps and minerals. Also a massive THANK YOU to Damien Corrigan who joined us with his mini digger and pushed back some of the mounds of earth along the footpath between the graveyard and the houses and for his petrol blower which really cleaned up both the footpath and the road. He also scrapped the front garden of the derelict house and this has got rid of all the weeds and the place is not looking so derelict any more. Thank you also to Dickie Masterson who cut the grass on the far side of the road at the graveyard. Thank you all of you who helped with this work, the village is really looking great.
26th May 2013
A meeting has been arranged for the Tidy Towns group tomorrow night, Monday at 8:30 in the lounge of the Village Inn to elect a committee and to vote on the draft constitution. If you are unable to make this meeting but would like to be on the committee, please email and we will put your name forward for voting. You may only vote for a person on the night by being present but may put yourself forward and being absent from the meeting. Meeting should last thirty minutes or less but it is important to follow the process of elections.
25th May - 27th June 2013 - Project 4
Our next project is to paint the old Corrigans Shop in the village. We have secured permission from the owner of the site to paint it in as near the colours as possible. The property is 'for sale' but for the time being a new lick of paint will add to the character of the building.

Local painter & decorator, Tosh Brady has very kindly offered to paint the building for us & provide the paint & he hopes to complete it for Cemetery Sunday. Thank you Tosh from all of us. The wall beside the shop was also painted and a new colour was put in the place of the old magnolia colour.
5th June 2013 - Project 5

What started off as a wheelbarrow of topsoil to fill the two pots at the old schoolhouse turned into a full scale project. The two pots were filled and then flowers were planted and someone brought along some white paint and said the walls leading in would look nice painted and they were painted. The grass on the roadside was cut and then we set about cutting a small bit inside the gate which went a bit bigger and a bit bigger again and then we had cut a fan shape into the field to show the beauty of the old schoolhouse building from the road. We would like to thank the owners of the site and the lease holders, Sonia and Damien for their permission. Hazel Tricia, Suzanne, Keith & Maggie were the Work Group for this project. Thank you all of you who helped with this work, the area is really looking great